To bring Greg to your school, write him at: gregtang@gregtang.com.
What teachers are saying about Greg's workshops
"THANK YOU so much for your presentation this morning! The classrooms are "abuzz" with Greg Tang Math!! Seriously, all the kids and teachers are talking about it. You bring such a no nonsense, laid back approach to something that seems so daunting to many, including myself!"
Cathy Gamberoni, Richmond Elementary, MA
Brandon Lewis, Lewis & Clark Elementary, Springfield MO
Miriam Krumrine, Carroll County MD
"Your visit had a profound effect on our students and teachers. Your passion and knowledge has ignited the math teachers and their students to think of numbers and processes in a new way. Best wishes as you continue to change the direction of math instruction for our students."
Deborah Younge, Curriculum Director, Westfall OH
"Mahalo nui (many thanks) for another productive day with our teachers. I overheard many thoughtful conversations and could see the gears turning in people's minds. It's truly our pleasure working with you."
Chelsea Keehne, Kamehameha School
"I've been teaching for 33 years, and this was one of the best workshops I've ever attended! I have been using what I've learned with my Resource students this week, and they have been responding so well!"
Iris O'Brien, Elkridge MD
"Thank you so much for your wisdom and concern for teaching our children how to think and make connections. It was truly an amazing day!"
Marilyn White, Teacher
"THANK YOU for such a WONDERFUL and insightful day. You gave us so many things to think about and helped recharge our batteries. The conversation on the drive home was nonstop and so energizing."
Janell Barnow, Title I Director Eudora KS
"I have been doing the things you taught me with my 4th graders. If I had learned math the way you explain it, it may have changed my high school years. You are helping to make big changes by helping us open our minds so we can open the minds of our kids."
Dale Leigh Doran, Wilminton, PA
"I am a huge fan of your work and as I have been working with the CCSS, I keep thinking about how the K-5 standards have so much of the stuff that you have been educating teachers about. I went back to the notes I took from your workshops 5 years ago as well as your handouts and there are so many similarities betwen your materials/ideas and what's in the Common Core."
Dewey Gottlieb, Hawaii Dept of Education
"Your workshop was a mind-stretching and thought-provoking day. I am rethinking my 20 years of teaching and changing many of my math practices. Thank you so much."
Sharon Chunn, Trinity Chapel Academy
"All was a buzz at lunch over your presentation. Very well received message and our director of student achievement and accountability was the most impressed!"
Jayne Lynch, Cambridge MA
"It was a fabulous day and I so appreciate your energy, mission, drive and delivery. You are making a long lasting difference for kids that is so far reaching."
Kate Schoedinger
"I received an overwhelmingly positive response from your workshop, including phrases such as 'the best I've ever attended.' We can't thank you enough for agreeing to come to Henrico."
Melinday Jenkins, Henrico VA
"Can you hear it in Boston? The teachers, parents and students are singing your praises this AM. Everyone is very excited and re- energized. Thank you for the awesome presentations yesterday!"
Theresa Gregory, Title I Math Resource Teacher
"I just wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful presentation today. I was so engaged and decided that I could listen to you for weeks straight. I am a special education teacher and was watching my students during your presentation – they were so engaged and involved. They even came back to class and wanted to try all their new strategies immediately. Thanks again Greg!! You were wonderful."
Jen Rogers, Special Education/Inclusion Teacher
"I took some of my elementary education majors to your session in Denver. They loved you and occasionally I get a text saying “I have had issues with 11s my whole life.” We laughed and had such a good time at your session. You really are good at what you do."
Jeanine L. Haistings, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
"WOW! Your workshop was awesome yesterday. I really enjoyed your simple way of teaching students to think critically about numbers. Your whole idea of intentionally teaching students to break apart numbers to develop abstract thinking is awesome. Thanks for the great ideas and motivation for making math fun! "
Mark Berryhill, Teacher
"I wanted to thank you again for your time and passion for math instruction. Your enthusiasm helped to spark a fire in the mathematical minds of the staff and parent community. I have heard nothing but positive feedback from the parents and teachers who participated in the sessions with you.
"The workshop was meaningful and truly accomplished the goals that I had discussed with you. I am sure you get this type of feedback all of the time, but the following morning I was so pleased to see many of my teachers who were intimidated by the changes in math instruction writing their morning activities on the board straight from their workshop experience. Thanks to you the seeds of math passion have been planted."
"The workshop was meaningful and truly accomplished the goals that I had discussed with you. I am sure you get this type of feedback all of the time, but the following morning I was so pleased to see many of my teachers who were intimidated by the changes in math instruction writing their morning activities on the board straight from their workshop experience. Thanks to you the seeds of math passion have been planted."
Darryl Felker, Principal Mt Olive Elementary School
"Thank you for the most exhilarating hour of math understanding I have ever had in my life. I am not only speaking of the new hope I have for my child, but for the opportunity to use math, myself, in a new and freeing way from here on. As I said most emphatically earlier this evening, I have a doctorate from Harvard and I just learned more about math from you in the last hour than I have learned in all my years of formal schooling."
Valerie Johnson, Parent
"I am so glad that I took the risk as a high school teacher to attend your seminar last week at Ohio's math conference. It was fascinating to learn your theory about teaching students to think mathematically! Your simple strategy of "making things simpler by smart grouping" is very consistent with the current brain theory of learning by connections in all subject areas."
Cathy Fischer, Teacher
"Mr. Tang came to my school to do a workshop for the math teachers. His passion and concern for all students was evident throughout his workshop, but watching him in action in a third grade classroom was remarkable. The kids loved him and everyone was amazed at his ability to bring math concepts alive with clear and fun strategies that are in all his books. Just very impressed!"
Patricia Jussaume, PTO
What teachers are saying about Greg's teaching materials:
"We used your site in class today and the kids had a blast! Even the really reluctant math students were totally excited about the Kakooma game. They were getting the practice they need with basic facts and I'm not sure they even realized it."
Alissa Helgesson, 3rd grade teacher
"I have to say that your site is the first site that I have ever used that completely turns on my kids to number sense."
Tim Lampard, BC Canada
"My fifth grade teacher played some games with his kids today and five of them thanked me for purchasing the site licenses while walking to the bus. Very cool, and thanks again!"
Ian Yale, Principal
"Great website. I can't believe the printable resources for teacher, they fit perfectly with our curriculum. The games are fun and also great support. Using the games on the iPad would be great for kids who are struggling."
Christi Staikos, Teacher
"I wanted to let you know that one of my fifth grade students, Nargina, just solved 9-number Kakooma in 25 seconds!!!! You met her on your last visit. She is definitely playing way too much! Now I have to play even more in an effort to beat her. Also, one of my fourth graders had an epiphany the other day when he connected improper fractions with the work they have been doing in bases. He explained it to his class as clearly as we could have and most of his peers 'got it'. Good stuff!"
Harry Walker, Principal
"Kakooma is so addicting. I play it every night before I fall asleep. Love it!"
"Kakooma is so addicting. I play it every night before I fall asleep. Love it!"
Laura Bitto, Math Specialist
"I used the last 25 minutes of the faculty meeting to play Kakooma and the teachers loved it. It may have been the most engaged they were all afternoon. Several teachers downloaded the Kakooma app to their iPhone and iPad right at the meeting and were playing electronically."
David Castelline, Principal