His books quickly became cornerstones of school reading programs, math textbook programs, and university teacher training programs, garnering numerous awards and selling over a million copies.
Greg's book Math Appeal was just named Best Non-Fiction Astoria eBook by teachers, joining Hunger Games, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Huckleberry Finn as Gold Medal winners.
Today, Greg's books are available in hardcover, paperback and as interactive eBooks at GregTangMath.com.
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Read Math Fables |
Every child’s journey in math begins with counting. But it is the next step – thinking abstractly in groups – that is critical. Unfortunately, many kids never make this transition. No wonder math seems difficult!
Math Fables is different from other counting books because it teaches both counting and grouping simultaneously. While kids practice their counting, they also learn to see numbers as groups of other numbers. Being able to break numbers apart in smart ways is the key to being good at arithmetic.
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Read Math Fables Too |
In this sequel to Math Fables, the journey continues with more practice counting and grouping numbers. Numbers are again presented as groups of other numbers - the first step in developing the abstract thinking skills needed for higher math. Kids don't just learn to count. They learn to count, group and add - all at the same time!
Math Fables Too also makes science count by showing clever problem-solving strategies used by animals. Kids naturally love nature and animals, and each fable helps them learn to think and solve problems more creatively. Challenging words are intentionally used to stretch their vocabularies, and each fable ends with a positive message of encouragement. The goal isn't just better math students, it's happier, more well-rounded children.
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Read Math For All Seasons |
Oppenheim Gold Award
Beginning with spring flowers and ending with a New Year’s celebration, Math For All Seasons takes readers on a yearlong journey filled with poems, pictures and problems. As the seasons pass, they are encouraged to see numbers and solve problems in smart ways rather than rely on slow, inefficient counting strategies.
Beginning with spring flowers and ending with a New Year’s celebration, Math For All Seasons takes readers on a yearlong journey filled with poems, pictures and problems. As the seasons pass, they are encouraged to see numbers and solve problems in smart ways rather than rely on slow, inefficient counting strategies.
Being open-minded in search of the best – rather than most obvious – strategy is the goal of this cheerful children's book. Thinking in groups of 5 and 10, looking for patterns and symmetries, and subtracting to add are strategies that make math easier no matter what the season!
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Read Math-terpieces |
Oppenheim Gold Award
Book Sense 76 Selection
A book that builds number sense, strengthens computational and problem-solving skills, develops abstract thinking skills, and introduces children to art history all at the same time? Yes! Math-terpieces artfully combines math with famous masterpieces, creating a unique approach to teaching multiple skills.
Book Sense 76 Selection
A book that builds number sense, strengthens computational and problem-solving skills, develops abstract thinking skills, and introduces children to art history all at the same time? Yes! Math-terpieces artfully combines math with famous masterpieces, creating a unique approach to teaching multiple skills.
For younger kids, adding two or more numbers at a time improves both number sense and mental math skills. For older kids, problems based on combinations and permutations from probability theory teaches them to be strategic and systematic problem solvers. For everyone, Math-terpieces stimulates both analytical and creative thinking. Who says math has to be dull?
New York Times Best Seller
Oppenheim Gold Award
IRA Teachers Choice
Parent's Guide Award
BOMC Best Math Book
This is the groundbreaking New York Times best seller that started it all, introducing millions of kids to a better way of learning math. The Grapes of Math blends a fruitful mix of enticing illustrations with clever poems and riddles to teach important math concepts. It encourages kids to solve problems using creativity and common sense, rather than rote procedures and memorization.
Oppenheim Gold Award
IRA Teachers Choice
Parent's Guide Award
BOMC Best Math Book
This is the groundbreaking New York Times best seller that started it all, introducing millions of kids to a better way of learning math. The Grapes of Math blends a fruitful mix of enticing illustrations with clever poems and riddles to teach important math concepts. It encourages kids to solve problems using creativity and common sense, rather than rote procedures and memorization.
Each problem uses clever, visual tricks to challenge kids to add and eventually multiply numbers in efficient groups. The best solutions are the least obvious, which teaches children to be more thoughtful, strategic, and open-minded. Grape minds think alike – smart!
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Read Math Appeal |
Sixteen more mind-stretching math riddles to teach students the art of problem solving. Cleverly constructed problems communicate verbally and visually and provide kids with different learning styles a fun and challenging way to improve their math skills.
For Younger students, Math Appeal reinforces important grouping strategies that make computations faster and more efficient. For older students, it provides practice with basic multiplication facts.
For Younger students, Math Appeal reinforces important grouping strategies that make computations faster and more efficient. For older students, it provides practice with basic multiplication facts.
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Read Best of Times |
Do you remember learning to multiply? If you were like most people, you probably memorized your times tables. There was little understanding involved, just a lot of repetition and maybe a trick or two like using your fingers to learn the nines table. Instead, wouldn't it be great if you could use the multiplication facts you already know to multiply bigger numbers and learn other tables as well?
The Best of Times helps kids master their times tables through a deeper, more intuitive understanding of multiplication. Students use partial products to multiply larger numbers, first breaking them into smaller, more manageable parts. Clever poems and pictures convey strategies clearly and concisely while challenging students to multiply numbers of any size. Let the good times roll!
The eighth and final book of the series combines math with poems and pictures and communicates verbally, visually and abstractly to students of every learning style. A more advanced version of The Grapes of Math and Math Appeal, it offers food for thought by challenging kids to be smart when solving problems.
The focus of Math Potatoes is on smart grouping strategies that make computations faster, easier and more accurate. Looking for patterns and symmetries helps students solve problems quickly while teaching them to generalize and think algebraically. Making groups of equal size encourages them to multiply instead of add, which is faster and leads to fewer mistakes. Bon appétit!
Greg Tang ISBN
• Trade hardcovers by Scholastic Press
• Trade paperbacks by Scholastic Bookshelf
• School paperbacks by Scholastic Book Clubs
Math Fables
(ages 3+)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-45399-2
• School paperback 0-439-67872-2
Math Fables
Too (ages 4+)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-78351-8
• School paperback x-xxx-xxxxx-x
Math For
All Seasons (ages 5+)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-21042-9
• Trade paperback 0-439-75537-9
• School paperback 0-439-44440-3
(ages 5 +)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-44388-1
• School paperback 0-439-56090-X
The Grapes
of Math (ages 7 +)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-21033-X
• Trade paperback 0-439-59840-0
• School paperback 0-439-21040-2
Math Appeal
(ages 7 +)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-21046-1
• School paperback 0-439-21045-3
The Best of
Times (ages 8 +)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-21044-5
• School paperback 0-439-52918-2
Potatoes (ages 9 +)
• Trade hardcover 0-439-44390-3
• School paperback 0-439-79170-7